For many of us, the start of a new year means making resolutions, starting new habits, and setting new goals for the coming weeks and months.
Here at Repowered, in addition to setting goals for 2022, we’re taking the opportunity to announce a new addition to our list of certifications: NAID AAA CertificationⓇ. Being NAID AAA Certified is one more way we can ensure the security and proper destruction of your sensitive data.
Why Certifications Matter For IT Asset Disposition (ITAD)
Third-party certifications like NAID provide independent verification from outside experts in an industry that otherwise offers very little regulation. Without this verification, there is no way to know if the company you are entrusting your ITAD to is taking the security of your data and the environmentally sound disposal of your electronic assets seriously.
Certifications like NAID, R2â„¢ (Responsible Recycling), and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) are key to ensuring that proper data security, employee safety, and environmental standards are upheld.
Holding these certifications not only helps us maintain the high standards we aspire to, it gives our customers peace of mind. When you see these certifications, you can rest assured that your data will be kept secure and your electronics disposed of properly.
Want to learn more about developing an effective, secure and profitable IT asset disposition (ITAD) program for your business? Download our free guide here!
What Is NAID?
NAID (National Association for Information Destruction) is a watchdog association for secure data destruction operators worldwide. They work to promote best practices for data destruction, providing governments and businesses with the tools they need to stay in compliance with all known data protection regulations.
Not only is NAID a valuable tool for companies like ours, NAID AAA certification signals to our customers that their data will be safely and securely destroyed when they entrust their ITAD needs to us.
Why Is NAID Certification Important?
When we think of data breaches, most of us think of hackers using their notorious skills to steal information through the cloud. But that’s not the only way your data can be compromised.
When you hand over your electronic assets for disposal, you hand over your sensitive personal or business data along with them. If your assets are not disposed of properly, your data could end up in the wrong hands. And since businesses are required to stay in compliance with state and federal data security regulations, your company could face hefty fines if your data is compromised.
When an ITAD company is NAID AAA certified, you can rest assured that they will keep your sensitive information secure until it is properly destroyed.
What Does It Mean That Repowered Is NAID AAA Certified?
NAID holds the companies it certifies to the highest standards of secure data destruction.
To obtain NAID AAA CertificationⓇ, Repowered had to pass rigorous standards in 20 areas of operational and security requirements and have appropriate written policies and procedures in place. NAID verifies that we are in compliance with all known data protection laws through both scheduled and surprise audits by trained, accredited security professionals. You can view our official NAID AAA Certification here.
At Repowered, we are continually looking for ways to improve and to give you peace of mind that your data will be safe when you entrust your ITAD needs to us. NAID certification helps us accomplish both of these goals.
Are you in need of ITAD services for your business? Give us a call at 763.432.3117 to learn more about our customized asset management plans.
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